Archive of posts for May, 2003
Flash for the Masses
0 commentsAuthor: Steven Vachon
Is it just me, or do many Flash developers have no regard for slower computers? Do they believe that every single person on the Internet has a 3GHz machine? I mean, come on! I have a 3GHz machine, but if all I did was develop in Flash, I wouldn’t need such a computer. Neither do many of the other 400,000,000 people on the Internet. Read more
Live Site Uploaded
0 commentsAuthor: Steven Vachon
I finished the design and the Flash navigation. It dynamically loads random JPEG images from a directory and fades through them like a slide show. Nothing spectacular, but gives the homepage’s header some activity without causing a distraction.
I’ve started on the Class Reference and I wrote an article today as well, Flash for the Masses. It focuses on CPU and RAM issues with Flash usage.
A lot of the site still doesn’t work as I still have to write all the content.