Archive of posts for 2009”
Benchmark: ActionScript 3 Vector vs. getChildAt
1 commentAuthor: Steven Vachon
I have never stored my particle instances in an array or any unique variables. There’s just no need to. The same can be achieved using only the child list, and with less bloat. New to Flash Player 10 is the Vector()
class, and while they are faster than arrays, are they faster than getChildAt()
and the child list? Read more
HTML Minify (WP-HTML-Compression)
19 commentsAuthor: Steven Vachon
Combining HTML “minification” with cache and HTTP compression will cut down your bandwidth and ensure near-immediate content delivery while increasing your Google rankings.
This plugin will compress your HTML by shortening URLs and removing standard comments and white space; including new lines, carriage returns, tabs and excess spaces. Most importantly, by ignoring <pre>
, <textarea>
, <script>
and Explorer® conditional comment tags, presentation will not be affected. Read more
Folder Names with a Colon in Mac OS X
0 commentsAuthor: Steven Vachon
When it comes to organizing a folder collection of any sort, the folder’s name plays a key role in finding your data in the future. One thing that’s always bothered me about folders with Windows and Mac was that they restricted me from using the colon character. Call me anal, but when you’re dealing with subtitle within subtitle, dashes take slightly longer to read. Read more