Archive of posts for 2011”
Single-File Facebook OAuth 2.0 Example
0 commentsAuthor: Steven Vachon
I couldn’t find a simple, straight-forward example of this stuff. Facebook’s documentation isn’t wasn’t extremely clear either. Read more
Shuffle and Randomize Arrays in ActionScript and JavaScript
0 commentsAuthor: Steven Vachon
I’d been looking around for the best solution for this and most of what I had found either performed poorly or wasn’t quite random enough. Not so strangely in the end, the best solution was the most basic. Read more
Absolute-to-Relative URLs
2 commentsAuthor: Steven Vachon
The title says it all. So, if you were to use this library on a website like, you would get results like these: Read more
iOS Alternate Theme for WordPress
1 commentAuthor: Steven Vachon